Monty Chatbot

Ask Monty

About Monty: Our AI Shop Helper Robot

Hello and welcome to our newest team member, Monty! He’s not your average staff member but an Artificial Intelligence (AI) chatbot designed to assist you with various queries about our shop, services, location, and contact details, among other things. As he’s very new—born on 27/9/23 in fact—he might still be ironing out some kinks.

We’re incredibly proud to have built Monty from scratch. He’s coded in Python, deployed via Google Cloud Functions, and draws upon OpenAI Chat GPT-4o  API to provide accurate and helpful answers. All of this is beautifully presented in a user-friendly JavaScript web app for your convenience.

Rest assured, your interactions with Monty are entirely private (in fact, he wont remember anything past what he’s just said!). Each conversation is a unique instance between you and the chatbot, ensuring that no one else can see your questions or the answers provided. Your privacy is our priority.

Should Monty ever provide you with incorrect or confusing answers, we’d appreciate your feedback. Please email with the question and response you received, and we’ll look into it.

Beep – Beep Boop Bop! Enjoy chatting with Monty!